Devising: Portfolio

Devising: Portfolio Overview

  • Devising: Portfolio refers to the process where individuals create their unique drama piece. This component assesses your ability to produce an original performance from a stimulus.
  • The portfolio is typically a written document in which you’ll record all your thoughts, creative journey, methods, and reflections from the start till the end of your devising process. It can also include scripts, diagrams, timetables, notes, or any other visual representation or supplementary materials that aid in illustrating your devised piece.

Stimulus Selection and Initial Ideas

  • Start by choosing a stimulus. This could be a theme, an image, a word, a news article, or a sound, etc. The selected stimulus should engage and inspire you throughout the preparation and production process.
  • Begin your portfolio by detailing the chosen stimulus, explaining why you chose it, and brainstorming your initial ideas. Remember, first impressions are essential, and this document will reflect your thought process, creativity, and diligence.

Story Development and Structure

  • Developing the story around your stimulus is the next step. Consider the theme, plot, characters, and setting of your devised piece. Bonus, any conventions or styles that you wish to employ should be mentioned and explained in your portfolio.
  • Draft your script and structure your scenes. Remember, your script will be a significant part of your portfolio. Try to be as detailed as possible, including character directions and settings.

Character Analysis and Rehearsal Logs

  • Write a detailed character analysis. Consider their motivations, histories, flaws, and how they interact with other characters. You should be able to answer any question about your character by referring to your portfolio.
  • Rehearsal logs should be a crucial part of your portfolio. Write down any changes, struggles, successful moments, and plans you have for future rehearsals.

Evaluation and Organisation

  • Using key drama terminology, evaluate your overall contribution to the devising process. Reflect on what went well, what didn’t work, and suggest how you might improve in the future.
  • The portfolio should be well-organised and neat to facilitate easy referencing. Remember, it’s not just about capturing all the vital information, but also presenting that information clearly and effectively.


Lastly, it is advisable to update your portfolio frequently and regularly, making it a living document that grows and evolves with your devised piece.